Monday, June 1, 2015

Hannibal Farm is Now an Island

photo via Debbie Hannibal
We have been following the story of the Hannibal's and their battle against nature to keep the Red River flood waters out of their farmhouse that sets within a stones throw of the river. Their place is now an island and the water is rising, but their spirits are even higher.

The roadway to get into their place is underwater, so are all of Mark Hannibal's grafted pecan trees, and the wheat that he had out. The family is keeping their vehicles on the other side of the Miller County levee on their place and using boats to get back and forth from their home.

With the rising waters come all sorts of creepy crawly creatures, from ants to snakes to alligators and hogs.

via Debbie Hannibal
On the other side of the Red in Hempstead County reports are that a large crop of watermelons designated for this years "Hope Watermelon Festival" has been wiped out.

Here is some video of the trip from the farmhouse to the levee sent to me by Mrs. Hannibal...


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