Sunday, May 31, 2015

Water Getting Closer to Hannibal Home

photos by Jeff Easterling
With photos circulating on the web, and folks saying this could be even worse than the 1990 flood, I have been keeping up with the Hannibal family that lives out on the edge of Miller County on the Red River.

The Boll Weevil on 67 is Flooding

photo by Jeff
What a difference just 12 hours can make. Earlier last week owners of the Boll Weevil Store on Hwy 67 on the edge of Miller County close to the Red River emptied all of the merchandise from the stores in anticipation of flooding. It was a good decision.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Checking in on the Hannibal Family's Battle with the Red River

photo by Jeff Easterling
We told you about how friends and members of the Hannibal family were working to build a levee around their home on the Red River at the very edge of Miller County. We went out today to see how their project was going.

Friday, May 29, 2015

New Family Friendly Policy at Central Mall is Working

photos by Jeff Easterling
Management at Central Mall in Texarkana has enacted and is strictly enforcing a new "Family Friendly" policy that has really made the shopping experience on Friday and Saturday evenings a lot more pleasant than it had been in the past.

Best Shoulder Massage Ever in the Middle of Central Mall

photo by Jeff Easterling
You have walked thru Central Mall and seen the guys with the massage chairs, but have you ever stopped. Today I did, and it was fantastic!

Volunteers Make Last Ditch Effort to Save Home from Flooding Red River

photo by Jeff Easterling
Out on Miller County road 54, volunteers have come together in an effort to help Mark Hannibal and family save their homeplace in a last ditch effort to keep the rising Red River out of their home.

Index Bridge on Highway 71 Closure Appears Imminent

Photo by Field Walsh via TXK Today
Reports are that the AHTD will be closing the Hwy. 71 Index Bridge between Texarkana and Ashdown. First report we saw was this post from Mike Cranford.

Changes to Governor Hutchinson's Planned Conference on Flooding

via Facebook
There have been changes to the Governor's planned press conference at Texarkana Regional Airport scheduled for this morning concerning areas damaged by the flooding Red River.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson in Town Friday Concerning Red River Flooding

via Facebook
Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson will fly-over the Red River in Miller and Little River counties. Governor Hutchinson will be at TAC Air at Texarkana Regional Airport around 7:15 a.m. Friday Morning May 29.

Amazing Footage of Deer Swimming in the Flooded Red River [VIDEO]

via Facebook
Amazing footage of a small herd of deer swimming in the flooding Red River under the Highway 8 bridge between New Boston, Texas, and Foreman, Arkansas.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

View from a Boat on the Raging Red River [VIDEO]

via Facebook/Johnny Denali
So, with the Red River rising to epic levels and covering pastures and farmlands up river and continuing to rise here. Some local boys decided to take out the boat. Man against nature and a little bit of crazy sometimes make for a priceless memory. So, for all the local rednecks... Watch this!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Vote for our Community to Receive a Grant for a Handicap Accessible Playground

via Facebook
Texarkana, USA is in the running of another National contest to benefit our community, but this time it is to fund an A.D.A. Playground for our local children with disabilities.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Red River Continues to Rise

at Fulton Arkansas/photo by Jeff Easterling
Levels keep rising on the Red River and flooding is expected. We went out and took a few pics today at the Hwy 71 bridge and at Fulton.
Here is the level at the Highway 71 bridge...

Red River at Hwy 71/photo by Jeff Easterling
Snapped this one under the railroad bridge at the Fulton Crossing...

Under the Red River RR bridge in Fulton/photo by Jeff Easterling
Waters will continue to rise due to heavy rains upriver and tributaries that empty into the river flowing out of their banks. For only the fourth time ever, water is spilling over the Lake Texoma Dam... here is a post of some pics that Bowie County Sheriff James Prince posted to Facebook.

Here is video that he also shared from Chelsea Smith of News 12...

Memorial Day Events in Town

via Facebook
Giving the public the opportunity to pay respects and remember those that gave their lives while serving in the United States Military there are a few events scheduled for Memorial Day Monday May 25,

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Golf Scramble for Arkansas Children's Hospital Wednesday May 27

via Facebook
The 25th Annual Wright Patman Chapter of Credit Unions Golf Scramble will be held Wednesday, May 27 at the Texarkana Golf Ranch.

Homeless Man Arrested for Bomb Threat at Walmart Neighborhood Market on Richmond

via TTPD
The Texarkana Texas Police Department arrested a homeless man that threatened he had a bomb in a backpack at the Walmart Neighborhood Market on Richmond Road.

T.T,P.D Searching for Suspect in Armed Robbery

via T.T.P.D.
Texarkana Texas Police are seeking help with identifying a suspect in an armed robbery this morning at a convenience store on Richmond Road.

National Weather Service Updates Flooding Forecast for the Red River

photo by Jeff Easterling
The National Weather Service in Shreveport Louisiana has updated their forecasts for flooding of the Red River. With more heavy rains in the forecast for the Four States region the river is going to continue to rise and flood thousands of acres meaning that livestock will need to be evacuated to higher ground.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

TTPD Seeks Help to Identify Check Thieves

via TTPD
The Texarkana Texas Police Department is searching for help in identifying this couple. They are suspects in a case where a box of checks was stolen from a mailbox on Richmond Road in March. Do you recognize them?

Monday, May 18, 2015

Peace, Love and Bowling Bowl-a-thon Thursday June 18

via BlogSpot
The theme to this year's Bowl-a-thon to benefit Texarkana Circle of Friends is the 60's... so it's Peace, Love & Bowling at Holiday Bowl on Stateline Avenue June 18th.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Texas Side Police to Begin Towing Uninsured Vehicles

photo by Jeff Easterling
Beginning June 15, 2015, uninsured motorists operating their vehicle within the city limits of Texarkana, Texas may soon have their vehicle towed if stopped by Texarkana, Texas police officers. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How Much Rain We Have Had So Far in 2015

via Facebook
I was asked, "How much rain has Texarkana had so far in 2015?" So, first thing I did was contact the area's favorite meteorologist to make sure I had the right answer.

My go to weather guy, is Todd Warren from Channel 6. That guy makes a lot of us sound smart when we repeat what we hear him say lol.

Since January 1, 2015, Texarkana has received 29.13 inches of precipitation. At this time last year we had only gotten 12.70 inches of rain

This is important because of more heavy rains possible in the forecast for the area. With the ground so saturated already, conditions are ripe for flash flooding.

When you see water standing or running over the roads, don't try to make it... Like Todd Warren says, Don't drown, Turn Around."

Todd sent me the info, but he also sent the link to their Almanac for the information in the future.

Kids Magic Camp Scheduled for June

via Facebook
Magic Camp is just a month away and limited spaces are available. For children 6 to 13 years of age that would like to learn some basic magic skills, basic skills in balloon art, enjoy miniature golf, train rides, games, and magic shows this is the camp of the summer!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Red River Army Depot Raises Security Level

via Facebook
Red River Army Depot is on a heightened alert level. Due to non-specific threats, the USNORTHCOM Commander has ordered all DOD Installations to increase security measures,

Monday, May 11, 2015

Pics from Inside the Kress Building Downtown - Should it Be Saved?

The Texarkana Texas City Council took an opportunity to see what is in the Kress Building downtown, facing a decision of whether to demolish the building for $300,000 or try to save the building at 116 W. Broad Street.

'A Touch for Health' Spa & School Up for Sale

photo by Jeff Easterling
Texarkana's most recognized and respected brand in massage therapy is up for sale, and is a great chance for someone interested in being a huge part of our local community to operate a successful turn-key business.

I stopped into "A Touch for Health" to get a gift card for Mother's Day and when I heard that Travis and Mary Walker were looking to retire, I thought "Oh no, what about the spa?"... but the spa and school are not going to close, they are wanting the institution to carry on with someone to take over Texarkana's longest opened massage therapy resource.

photo by Jeff Easterling
Travis and Mary Walker have been a huge part of Texarkana and bringing massage therapy to the area back in the late 90's. The couple went even further in spreading the :massage message" with opening the areas first and by far most popular Massage School in the year 2000, The instructors at "A Touch for Health" has trained hundreds of students from all across the area over the last 15 years.

I didn't get into specifics about prices, profits, and what not, but I know that Mr. Travis is wanting to get a lot more deep sea fishing done. While Ms. Mary is wanting more time with family and grand babies.

"A Touch for Health" offers many different services and specialties. From facial treatments to pre-natal massage. I personally have always enjoyed the reduced rate for letting the students give me a massage, they need the training and I love saving money. They also have a full staff of professionals for specialty treatments and therapies. Staff, equipment and all will go to the buyer and there will be  no disruption in services for the long time clientele of the clinic.

For more on the services, treatments, or this amazing opportunity to take over the spa and school. Call Travis or Mary Walker at 870.774.1000

photos by Jeff Easterling

Hotel Grim Redevlopment Effort Gets Boost with Visit from National Agency

via Facebook
Steps to revitalize the Hotel Grim in downtown Texarkana is moving forward with the city announcing a visit from one of the nations leading agencies on redevelopment finance agencies.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Texas Side Accidentally Releases Personal Information of Employees and Families

photo by Jeff Easterling
Today the city of Texarkana, Texas announced private information on current and former city employees, including their spouses and children had been released inadvertently to the public. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Is Your Child Really Safe? This Video Experiment Will Terrify You! [VIDEO]

via YouTube
With the upcoming "Free Children's Self Defense Fun Day" at Texarkana Self Defense, we wanted to share some pretty horrific stats. Did you know more than 700 children are abducted every minute? Check out this social experiment to see what kids would do when confronted by a stranger with a puppy.

Huckabee Officially Seeking Republican Nomination for President [VIDEO]

WSJ via YouTube
From Hope Arkansas today, former Arkansas Governor and Texarkana Baptist Preacher Mike Huckabee officially put his name in the Republican hat for the party nomination to run for President of the United States. Here are some highlights from his speech.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Free Children's Self-Defense Seminar for the Safety of Our Kids

photo by Jeff Easterling
There is a free children's self-defense seminar scheduled for Saturday May 9, 2015 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p,m, at Texarkana Self Defense, located at 2904 Leopard Drive in Texarkana, Texas.

Arkansas Side Police Release Graphs Charting Data and Statistics

via Facebook
The Texarkana Arkansas Police Department has released details on Traffic Citations, Physical Arrests, and more for 2015 so far in graph form comparing statistics to 2014. Take a look.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Ghost Walks Return to Downtown for 2015

photo by Tracey Prather
Rated the number one tourist attraction in Texarkana by Tripadvisor, the Haunted Texarkana Ghost Walks have begun for 2015 in downtown Texarkana. This year introduces some new features on the walks that people are loving!

Friday, May 1, 2015

A Twisted Fork Tequila Tasting on Cinco De Mayo

via Facebook
A unique event is scheduled for Cinco De Mayo at Twisted Fork Restaurant in Texarkana. Chef Jeff and team will be hosting a "Tequila Tasting" on May 5, with a great selection of fine Tequilas.